Central Laboratory: All types of medical tests

Available tests:

  • SARS-CoV-2 RL-PCR test (nasopharyngeal swab))
    Test price 25 EUR 
  • SARS-CoV-2 RL-PCR test (saliva)
    Test price 22 EUR
  • SARS-CoV-2 antigen (Ag) test (nasal swab)
    Test price 22 EUR

Tests for antibodies in blood serum or plasma:

  • Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (anti - SARS-CoV-2)
    Price: 5,05 EUR
    (It is necessary to pay extra for blood collection and material processing according to the price list).

    Qualitative immunochemical test for the detection of total (including IgG class) antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 virus.

  • Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (S)
    Price: 12,00 EUR
    (It is necessary to pay extra for blood collection and material processing according to the price list).

    Quantitative immunochemical test for the detection of antibodies (including IgG class) against SARS-CoV-2 virus S (spike) proteins. In particular, the test is recommended for individuals after vaccination against Covid-19 infection.
  • Antibodies of IgG class to SARS-CoV-2 quant.
    Price: 12,00 EUR
    (It is necessary to pay extra for blood collection and material processing according to the price list).

    Quantitative immunochemical test for the detection of IgG class antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Testing is available at any branch of the Central Laboratory. No special preparation is required for testing.

When should you get tested?

It is recommended to get tested starting from day 14 after infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus or after vaccination.


More information


For employers and companies:

We offer coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 testing for your employees:

  • Nasopharyngeal/ oropharyngeal swab - we provide a visit of medical staff (for 10 and more persons - anywhere in Latvia).
    The price of a visit depends on the number of people being tested.
  • Saliva test - we deliver the required number of test kits. We agree on the most convenient time of delivery and transferring the material to the laboratory.
  • Antigen test (rapid test) – We prepare the required number of test kits and agree on the most convenient time for collecting. 

To contact laboratory:

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (workdays and holidays 8.00 - 17.00);
  • +371 27057656 (workdays 8.00 - 17.00).


Apply for testing


Frequently asked questions:

Before your testing appointment:
• Do not drink alcohol 24 hours before testing;
• Do not eat anything 3 hours before testing;
• Do not use nasal drops or throat sprays, or mouth disinfection 3-4 hours before testing.
You must wear a mouth and nose mask at the point of testing and show a document of personal identification.



Useful information:


Up-to-date information by SPKC:


MAKSAS Koronavīrusa SARS-CoV-2 analīžu nosūtīšana

Autorizējoties caur i-bank
Laboratorija sazvana pacientu uz analīžu nodošanu.


Koronavīrusa SARS-CoV-2 analīze  35 EUR


Norēķināties skaidrā naudā NAV iespējams.
Pirms analīžu nodošanas jāveic pārskaitījums un nodošanas brīdī jāuzrāda maksājuma uzdevums.

SIA ”Centrālā laboratorija” rekvizīti fiziskas personas maksājumiem par COVID-19 testiem:
SIA „ Centrālā laboratorija”
Šarlotes ielā 1b , Rīga, LV-1001

Maksājuma uzdevuma jānorāda  
keks zal
Vārds Uzvārds
keks zal
Personas kods
keks zalCOVID-19 

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Majas vizites lv
Offers with card Veselība

Special offer for COVID-19 detection test

  • Detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection by real-time PCR method;
  • Sample to be analysed: nasopharyngeal swab;
  • Sign up for a visit at laboratorija.lv or 67334433;
  • Present VESELĪBA card before payment to receive a discount;
  • Price: 18,75 EUR (25 EUR).

Special offer for blood tests: LDL cholesterol + total cholesterol + glucose + blood collection, material processing

  • Sign up for a visit at laboratorija.lv or 67334433;
  • Present VESELĪBA card before payment to receive a discount;
  • The price also includes blood collection and material storag;
  • Price: 5 EUR (15,09 EUR).

Special offer for thyroid health.
- 50% discount on tests: thyrotropic hormone + antibodies to thyroperoxidase + blood sampling, material processing

  • Sign up for a visit at laboratorija.lv or 67334433;
  • Present VESELĪBA card before payment to receive a discount;
  • The price also includes blood collection and material storag;
  • Price: 14,29 EUR (30,61 EUR).

Special offer for men's health.
- 50% discount on tests: prostate-specific antigen + blood collection, material processing

  • Sign up for a visit at laboratorija.lv or 67334433;
  • Present VESELĪBA card before payment to receive a discount;
  • The price also includes blood collection and material storag;
  • Price: 6,08 EUR (13,09 EUR).


Offers active: 01.01.2024.-31.12.2024.

All card Veselība offers: https://www.veselibaskarte.lv
